5: Ken Myer on Leadership Lessons & Career Paths

On this episode, I speak with Ken Myer about leadership, entrepreneurship, and startups.  Ken is an interim CEO, a commercialization adviser with CoMotion, the UW Innovation Hub. He is a lecturer at the Foster School of Business where he shares his expertise on...

Dr. Tabitha Kirkland on Happiness

On this episode I speak with Dr. Tabitha Kirkland, a lecturer in  psychology at the University of Washington where she teaches a course called Happiness. We discuss happiness and a variety of practices that help increase one’s happiness including...

Advice from Second Year MBAs to First Year MBAs

In this episode I speak with Jamie Young and Jonathan Duong, two second year MBA students from the class of 2019, about advice for first year students heading into internship recruiting.  These interviews were excerpted from longer interviews that will air on another...