Round, black and white photo of Gabriel Scheer set on a beige background with a purple gradient stripe on the lower fifth with white writing, "climat solutions startups and jobs with Elemental Excerlerator's Gabriel Scheer"On this episode, I speak with Gabriel Sheer, Director of Inovation and manager of the energy and mobility portfolios at Elemental Excelerator, a nonprofit startup accelerator about the current state of the climate tech/climate solutions startup space at the beginning of 2023. Gabriel is also a good friend. We first became acquainted through his work organizing Seattle Green Drinks in the bid ’00s, we later worked together at a sustainability tech startup in Seattle.  Gabriel has had an interesting career leading up to where he is now, from the early days of car share working at Flex Car (and then Zip Car), independent consulting, product and strategy consulting, helping launch Lime Bike, and now working with Elemental Excelerator.

Gabriel shares advice for job seekers interested in working in climate solutions startups: build your network, do your research, find a team that you feel like you can trust. Working in a startup can be like riding a rollercoaster and you want to feel like everyone is all-in.

Gabriel shared some resources, and I’ve added a few more to the list below.

I’ve compiled a list of job boards for sustainability and impact jobs and will keep adding to it.

Here are a few of my favorites, and I know Gabriel would endorse many of them because we have traded links and episodes from these sources:

If you are looking for a few books to help you get up to speed on topics related to the climate crisis, solutions and decarbonization:

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