The 2-Hour Job Search With Author Steve Dalton

On this episode I speak with Steve Dalton, Program Director For Career Services at Duke’s Fuqua School of Business and author of the 2-Hour Job Search. We talk about the 2-Hour Job Search method and how the Covid pandemic has impacted job searching with...

Coaches’ Tips For Informational Interviews

On this episode I sit down separately with Foster 2nd year MBA Career Coach Elaine Newtson and 1st year/evening MBA Career Coach Stacy Duhon to talk about tips and best practices for informational interviews. Students and job seekers can use informational interviews...

Adam Schmidt Talks About His Career Pivot

This episode features part two of my conversation with Adam Schmidt, Foster MBA class of 2020 and Liaison to Career Management for the MBAA. We recorded this episode in the early winter of 2020 before the Coronavirus Pandemic upended in-person education and career...

Prof. Ryan Fehr on Gratitude and Appreciation

Ryan Fehr’s work focuses on building more positive organizations – organizations that leverage things like gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness to make work more fulfilling and enjoyable. In this conversation we talk about his research into gratitude,...

MBArk2Boulder and MBArk at Expo West

On this episode, I speak with Class of 2019 MBA candidates Austin Morton and Alli Green about their experiences at MBArk2Boulder (Jan 2019) and MBArk at Expo West in 2018. MBA candidates can apply now for the MBArk core program at Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim...