Adam Schmidt on Credibility

Adam Schmidt (Foster MBA 2020) talks about the importance of credibility as an MBA candidate. He breaks it down with 5 stakeholder groups: fellow students, faculty & staff, alumni and employers. This is Part 1 of 2. In the second episode, Adam talks about his...

Christopher Barnes on Sleep and Work

My sleep hasn’t been great for years. I never have trouble falling asleep, but I wake after about 5 hours and then have trouble getting back to sleep.  I average about 7 hours of sleep a night, sometimes more, sometimes less (an improvement over a few years...

Jeff Perry On Coaching Engineers

On this episode, I speak with Jeff Perry, founder of More Than Engineering. Jeff graduated from the Hybrid MBA program at Foster in 2020. Originally trained as a mechanical engineer, Jeff has worked in software, mechanical, and manufacturing engineering. But now, he...

Portia Obeng on Updating Your LinkedIn Profile

  Portia Obeng is a social media strategist with over 10 years of experience in social media strategy and content management. Her current focus is supporting individuals and organizations in their use of LinkedIn and Instagram. Our conversation focuses on how anyone,...

Advice from Foster 2022 MBAs on Internships

On this episode, I share some advice from three members of the Foster MBA class of 2022 on how to have a successful internship. Hear from Tyson Colledge, Elizabeth Daly and Christine Pham on the importance of networking, asking questions, and trying new...

Conquer LinkedIn with Jeremy Schifeling

On this episode, I speak with Jeremy Schifeling. Jeremy is co-author of the book Linked: Conquer LinkedIn, Get Your dream job. Own your future with Omar Garriot. Before getting his MBA from Michigan’s Ross school of Business, Jeremy worked in education,...