MBA CSEA 2021: Career and Employer Relations Podcasts – Benefits and Costs

I had the pleasure and honor to share my experience with starting and running a career oriented podcast for MBA candidates with attendees of the MBA CSEA Global Conference on June 24th, 2021. You can download the PDF of the slide deck above. Read the session description below.

You listen to podcasts, your students listen to podcasts, everybody is listening to podcasts! But should you create a podcast for your career center? In this session, we will explore this question and others like: how do you get started? What are the metrics you should track? How much time and what other resources are required? Will students actually listen? Who should my guests be? Come and hear from career services podcasters and get your questions answered.

During the session, I asked attendees to share podcast recommendations, here they are in no particular order, and not they are not all about MBA Careers.

  • How to Be Awesome at Your Job
  • 10% Happier with Dan Harris
  • Fake Doctors, Real Friends. (Srubs TV rewatch podcast)
  • The Happiness Lab
  • The School of Greatness
  • Adam Grant – Taken for Granted
  • The Stacks! Great book podcast
  • Squiggly Careers
  • Chameleon
  • Pod Save America,
  • Keep It,
  • Lovett or Leave It.
  • Jocko Podcast
  • After Hours from HBR
  • Table Manners with Jessie Ware
  • A bit of Optimism – Simon Sinek
  • Crimetown
  • $100 MBA
  • Smart Passive Income for a while.
  • Revisionist History – Malcolm Gladwell
  • Check out At the Whiteboard – check out Season 8 Episode 6 (shameless plug 😉
  • How I built this
  • The Daily
  • Hello Monday
  • Freaknomics Radio
  • Hidden Brain
  • Indicators
  • NYT Daily
  • This American Life is great too.
  • On Principle
  • Masters In Business
  • Clear and Vivid with Alan Alda
  • The Jordan Harbinger Show
  • Up First (from NPR)
  • Consider This (from NPR)
  • Marketplace Tech
  • Theme Thursdays from Gallup
  • The Prof G Show
  • Myths and Legends
  • Fictional

And if you have kids in the k-5 range, I’ll offer these:

  • Check out the podcasts from GenZ Media like 6 Minutes, Finn Caspian, Treasure Island 2020
  • Eleanor Amplified
  • Molly of Denali
  • Tumble Science
  • Brains On
  • Camp Monsters
  • The Big Fib
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