Round photo of Sean Dew on a beige background with purple text, "Conversations on Careers & Professional Life" and "A Conversation about ClimateCAP fellowship with Sean Dew, Foster MBA 2024" in white on a purple gradient.On this episode, I speak with Sean Dew, Foster MBA Class of 2024, about his experience as a ClimateCAP Fellow. ClimateCAP is an organization that focuses on sustainability in business and the MBA program experience across MBA programs. ClimateCAP also hosts an annual conference that brings together MBA students and alumni to discuss various topics related to climate change and business.

The fellowship provides support for sustainability projects and fosters a sense of community- among the fellows. Sean’s project involves installing solar-powered refrigeration units in homes in the Hopi and Navajo Nation. The fellowship has helped Sean grow his network with other Fellows and by attending a related energy conference in Boulder, CO.

Applications for the next cohort of the ClimateCAP fellowship are open now through November 1st at 5PM EST. You can learn more about the ClimateCAP Fellowship and the ClimateCAP summit at

Some other resources we mentioned during out conversation:

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